Reward Token Contracts

Reward Tokens, sometimes called reflection or tax tokens, are a decentralized finance (DeFi) mechanism that incentivizes holders to earn passive returns off of transaction fees just for holding the assets in their wallets. Unlike other DeFi mechanisms, such as staking and yield farming, Reward Token Contracts do not require any action from the holder. A portion of the transaction fee is allocated to the liquidity pool, and another portion is distributed among token holders using a smart contract. To receive rewards, the holder must keep their reward tokens in their wallet.

Our Sphera Reward Token Contract has been specifically developed for the distribution of reward (reflection/tax) tokens.

When creating one of these smart contracts with us, secondary features such as partial claims, lock transfers, and all other regular capabilities included are supported.

Reward Token Contracts do not support split locks, NFT liquidity bonds, or regular Sphera lock contracts. Reward tokens and users will lose their accumulated reward tokens if they choose the standard Sphera contract type.

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